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more benefits of chiropractic care


Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Several months ago the medical journal Spine carried yet another couple of studies touting the benefits of Chiropractic Care for low back pain.  The first study called, Spinal High-Velocity Low Amplitude Manipulation in Acute Nonspecific Low Back Pain: A Double-Blinded Randomized Controlled Trial in Comparison with Diclofenac and Placebo, and the second, called Randomized Trial Adding Chiropractic Manipulative Therapy to Standard Medical Care for Patients With Acute Low Back Pain: Results of a Pragmatic Randomized Comparative Effectiveness Study, showed that when CHIROPRACTIC CARE is added to standard medical care the results are “significantly” better than adding things like certain drugs or sugar pills.  All I can say here is big whup!

These sorts of studies have been around for decades, and while they used to be something special, they are now a dime a dozen (HERE ARE A FEW MORE pertaining to Chiropractic -vs- Spinal Surgeries). And you know what?  The medical community largely continues to ignore them and do what they have always done (HERE).  But think about the reasons for this.  There is no real money in conservative or alternative care when compared to Standard Medical Care.  And do not kid yourself.  In today’s environment of “Corporate Medicine” (around here it’s either Cox or St. Johns) the bottom line is all that really matters.

Forty years ago, it was at least understandable that the Medical Community would reject and degrade Chiropractic.  There was not much research to back up what we do other than millions of patient’s personal testimonials.  The problem is, this is considered “Anecdotal Evidence” and used to be derided as “unscientific”.  In other words, since it was not evidence that was arrived at via double blinded placebo-controlled studies, it was not considered to be valid.  But this is not the case today.  In fact, patient satisfaction surveys are actually considered to be objective findings (as opposed to subjective findings).   It still doesn’t matter.  Although relationships between the medical and chiropractic communities have certainly improved in the 25 years I have been in the profession, there is still a huge divide between them.  However, it is not nearly as large as the chasm between the Medical Research Community’s findings, and the way that Medicine is practiced on a day to day basis (HERE).  This is what I have referred to as THE MYTH OF EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE and THE MYTH OF PATIENT-CENTERED CARE

The bottom line for sick patients is this; f you refuse to step outside of the box labeled “Standard Medical Care”, you have little hope of ever overcoming your health problems.  Sure; you might lower your CHOLESTEROL or BLOOD PRESSURE a bit, but real changes to your health?  Forget about it.  For example, how many people do you know who have been diagnosed with FIBROMYALGIA that are getting great results from the myriad of drugs their doctor(s) have them on?  I could say the same thing for numerous other health-related conditions, including most AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES

The practice of Medicine is not only dangerous, it is often deadly (HERE).  And on top of that, if you are suffering from CHRONIC INFLAMMATORY DEGENERATIVE DISEASES or the problems associated with LEAKY GUT SYNDROME, you are unlikely to find what you are looking for in your MD’s office.  If you ever find yourself bored, take a half hour and watch some of our VIDEO TESTIMONIALS from the blog.  What we do works.  DIETARY CHANGES and WHOLE FOOD SUPPLEMENTS, coupled with CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS, COLD LASER, TISSUE REMODELING, and CORE STRENGTHENING PROTOCOLS, are going to help large numbers of people. 


Need more evidence that in many cases, Chiropractic is a safe and scientifically proven alternative to DRUGS, INJECTIONS, and SURGERY?  All we have to to is look at evidence that has been around for a long time —- some of it a very long time, with much of it coming from the medical community itself. Here are a few of those studies.  Interestingly enough, three of the four studies pertain to WHIPLASH INJURIES.

  • Over a year prior to America’s entrance into WWII, the July, 1940 issue of the American Journal of Anatomy published an article by Dr. Mary Stearns.  Stearns told us that the only real way to get injured soft tissues to heal was to subject them to, “early and persistent motion“.
  • An article by Dr. Emil Seletz in the November, 1958 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (Whiplash Injuries; Neurophysiological Basis for Pain, and Methods Used for Rehabilitation) chimed in on this subject as well.  After discussing the various forms and degrees of neck injury so frequently associated with whiplash, the abstract states that, “Treatment with tranquilizers and psychotherapy is of no avail, and patients become discouraged and resentful. The procedure here outlined includes heat, manipulation, and traction. Carefully adapted to the individual case, this plan generally obviates the danger of surgical and psychiatric complications and often leads to prompt rehabilitation of the patient.
  • Dr. James Cyriax, who is widely considered the father of modern orthopedics, in 1982’s Textbook of Orthopedic Medicine, spoke at length about the necessity for injured soft tissues to be mobilized in a controlled fashion for proper healing to occur.  He also spent significant time dealing with the detriments of imobilization as it pertains to joint and tissue health.
  • The March 1985 issue of the Canadian Family Physician looked at nearly 300 patients with low back pain who had been treated with Spinal Manipulation.  After telling us that at any given time, “20-30% of adults suffer from low back pain,” Drs. Kirkaldy-Willis and Cassiday (both board-certified orthopedists —- one an MD and one a chiropractor) revealed in this study that chiropractors had about an 80% success rate with Class Four patients.  Class four patents are those with low back pain and / or sciatica that is considered, “constant severe pain, [with] disability unaffected by [medical] treatment“. 

The truth is, I could literally go on and on and on.  The evidence showing the efficacy, safety, and overall benefits of Chiropractic are overwhelming.   But, as with anything, you’ll have to find out for yourself.  To learn more, take a few minutes to look at some of the ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE found scattered throughout our site.


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