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weaver’s bottom or hamstring tendinosis?

(Or Piriformis Syndrome?)


Weaver's Bottom


Because TENDINOSIS so commonly occurs at the bony attachment points as opposed to the musculo-tendinous junction, BURSITIS at the Ischial Tuberosity (the “butt bone” — aka WEAVER’S BOTTOM) can mimic a proximal (sometimes referred to as a “High”) HAMSTRING TENDINOSIS.  But the question is, how does one tell the difference and what can be done about these problems?  This can be a challenge because as you’ll soon see.  Some of the most common symptoms of Hamstring Tendinosis include…

  • Pain in the upper area of the hamstring — mostly where it connects to your “butt bone”.
  • Pain while sitting — particularly on harder surfaces.
  • An inability to stretch or contract your hamstring with any degree of force.
  • Numbness and / or tingling in the leg.
  • Butt pain.
  • Worse pain when trying to move after resting.

The problem is, the symptoms of Weaver’s Bottom can be very similar. 

  • Hip or buttock pain that is worse with sitting.
  • Specific (and sometimes severe) point tenderness at the butt bone (ischial tuberosity).
  • Numbness and / or tingling in the leg.

Here’s the thing.  Both of these have very similar symptoms, which are themselves similar to the BUTT PAIN caused by SCIATICA (which is itself a symptom) and / or PIRIFORMIS SYNDROME.  The best way to deal with a chronic problem of this nature, is to hit it with everything you have.  Instead of the usual PAIN MEDS and CORTICOSTEROID INJECTIONS, the first thing I would recommend is making sure that you are not driving an INFLAMMATORY PROCESS in your body (HERE is one example of what I mean by this).

From there you move on to TISSUE REMODELING, specific exercises and stretches, COLD LASER THERAPY, and possibly CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS, depending on what is going on with alignment of the pelvis.  Developing CORE STRENGTH is always at the top of the list as well.  You also might have to get a cushion or donut(s) to sit on while the area is healing — or even rig up a way to stand at your desk.

Finally, be sure and remember that sometimes these various problems can overlap.  In other words, a person could potentially have some degree of all or at least most of the problems listed on this page.  This is why I am so keen on going back to the beginning and dealing with things in a SYSTEMIC FASHION.


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