end chronic pain

1219 South State Route 17

Mountain View, MO 65548

(417) 934 6337

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Mon, Wed, Fri: 8:30am - 5:30pm

Closed 12:00 - 1:00


(Idaho Springs, Colorado)

My website has a lot of space devoted to Chronic Pain.  I know a thing or two about Chronic Pain not simply because I have dealt with Chronic Pain Patients on a daily basis for well over two decades, but because I have experienced it personally.  You see, many years ago, I had actually told my wife that I was ready to have my right foot amputated.  I would come home from work and collapse in a heap.  I had always hoped to practice until I was a very old man, but I was wondering how I was going to get thru the next day.  My foot was ALWAYS ON MY MIND.

Having been an athlete my whole life and playing a lot of basketball, I have seriously torn up my ankles.  Three different times I have had casts on my ankles because of Avulsion Fractures.  Shortly after getting married in 1996, I started developing pain in my right foot that was not PLANTAR FASCIITIS.  Over a period of about 6-8 years, the pain became almost unbearable.  I would come home from work and simply collapse.  I could not do any form of lower body exercise whatsoever because it would trigger the pain.  And on top of it all, I was developing PIRIFORMIS PAIN — no hardcore Sciatica, but lots of buttock pain. 

Because I get solicited by companies that want me to sell their orthotics, I have tried them all.  I literally have a black trash bag in the basement of my clinic that contains dozens upon dozens of orthotics that did nothing for me.  Then, by and act of God, I met Shawn.  SHAWN ENO was teaching at a seminar in Branson that I was attending, and I struck up a conversation.  He told me that he could help me, and I must say that he was pretty convincing.  Shawn cast me for a pair of orthotics, and while there was a change, it was certainly not what I was hoping to see.  Shawn had told me that because my foot was so rigid and my arch so high, I needed a special kind of orthotic for my foot type.

I spent a weekend in Kansas City with him at his parents house, and then he spent a couple days at my clinic.  Although the results were a bit cruder than the work he does now, the difference was immediate and amazing.  Shawn and I have become fast friends.  Because Shawn is a person who is always learning and trying new ideas, I have been out to see Shawn in Colorado two times to have new orthotics built.  My day-to-day pain is about 1/10th of what it was in 1999.  And while I still cannot do certain things without stirring up old ghosts (lower body weightlifting, and as crazy as it sounds, riding a bike) I can walk, hike, and work without pain.

Although we have a great line of Generic Orthotics that we sell for between 50 and 60 bucks, you might require something more.  Although I have been through Shawn’s 12 hour casting course and do some custom orthotic work, there are certain foot types that I just don’t mess with.  The most common of these is the foot like mine — the high arched rigid foot.  If this is your foot type and you are struggling like I was, I will suggest that you fly out to Denver to see Shawn personally in his clinic. 


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