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so….. you’re thinking about having back surgery?

Spinal Surgery Decompression

Spinal Surgery is a leading surgical procedure in America, with the total number in the U.S. approaching half a million per year.  About 150,000 of those surgeries are spinal fusions.  Unfortunately, at least 50 percent of all spinal surgery patients will ultimately fail to to achieve their desired outcome.  In fact, research says that a minimum of 10% of patients will be worse after the initial surgery (I think this number is at least 15% too low).   And then comes the suggestion for yet another spinal surgery.  Hey, it’s a MONSTER MONEY MAKER!

Spinal structures including bones, nerves, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels, are packed in very close to one another.  Because surgery in the spine is itself physically stressful, it can weaken and destabilize the area even further.   As a result of surgery, structures that have not been removed can become damaged or mechanically stressed, frequently becoming a new source of pain and degeneration.

Surgery will always result in some amount of scar tissue build up (HERE). If the scar tissue itself forms near any nerves, it becomes still another source of pressure and pain.  This does not even take into account that scar tissue has the potential to be 1,000 times more pain sensitive than normal tissue!  Since disc surgery takes place near inflamed and irritated nerves, there is a great possibility that the nerves will be damaged further during the procedure. If this happens, there will be even more pain, numbness, tingling, weakness, stiffness, and other problems —- even beyond what you are already dealing with now.

Low back surgery also requires the use of anesthesia which can result in other medical risks including death.

One of the huge problems facing patients today is infection.  Due to ANTIBIOTIC OVERUSE, deadly superbugs roam the hallways and operating rooms of America’s hospitals.  My brother (an MD) thought he was going to have to have a Lumbar Fusion Surgery a few years ago.  He and his wife (also an MD) were genuinely freaked out at the prospect of having hardware inserted in his spine.  When questioned about the reason for this, their answer was infection.

Spinal surgeries also require long recovery periods —– time away from work, which most patients cannot afford. Recovery time can be anywhere from 6 weeks for a laminectomy to over a year for Spinal Fusion.

Even if the surgery is successful in and of itself, and even if no procedure-related problems actually occur; there is a high probability that within 2 to 5 years, another surgery will be needed to fix the levels above and below the targeted levels of the first surgery (a fact that any doctor will verify).  Once you go down this road of surgery, you will increase the chance that you will need further surgeries in the future.  And if you have studied this issue out and realize the odds are not great for your first spinal surgery to work well, go online and look at the odds of doing well with a second or third spinal surgery.  They’re literally in the toilet!

Need a way around this?  I have just the post for you (HERE).


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